Music Together® is an internationally recognized music program for children from birth through age 7 — and the grownups who love them. Parents, primary caregivers, early childhood professionals — everyone is involved in the educational process.
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Music Together® Mission
Our mission is to make the world a better place... by making it more musical!
To do this, we bring the highest-quality music and movement experiences to your child—and children everywhere— and to involve the adults who love them in the magical process of development that only music can provide.

Classes For Ages Birth Through 6 Years Old

I wish you would sing to me all day long. I want you to put your face close to mine and look into my eyes and sing with a mouth that's expressive. I hope you will also hold me and dance and tap lightly on my arms and legs. I want this sweet rhythmic movement several times a day.

I want to sing and play musically while you change my diaper, while we ride in the car, while you dance with me, when we go for a walk, when we take a bath. I love the stuff of music - the red drum, the sound from the speakers, the songs with silly sneezes and funny movements. I love to dance up and down when I hear music or bounced and danced with in a circle!

I wish I could do it myself and I can. I can remember the words to songs - the tune, too. I can enter my own world and sing to myself for hours or play in my own one-person band. I like the way I make music, I like to watch others make music, and I'd like to do some of the fun things the music teacher does. I really love it when my family dances and plays instruments with me.

Music is one of my specialties. I love learning exactly how to do a clapping pattern or a dance step. I love to practice the things I’m interested in, and I know when I get things “right” according to me. I’m attracted to other kids who can do great things in music, and I’m beginning to want music every day and maybe the rest of my life!

I want to sing everyday and learn another instrument, in addition to my primary instrument, which is my voice. I love playing the drum and using rhythm instruments in class as well as at home. I like to play games and learn about different rhythms from around the world. I can create verses all by myself. I like to share my ideas in class and even conduct the group as they play instruments.
Music Together’s Nine Collections

Hello Everybody App
Check out the free "Hello Everybody" app for iPhone/iPad or Android. It's an easy way for you to access your Music Together songs, whether you are at home or on the go!
Log in with your Family Music Zone® account (or create a new one on the app) to get your songs into the app. Then, have fun singing and dancing along from wherever you are.
Download Today

New Instagram Account
We've just launched our Instagram account:
@musictogetherworldwide. Be sure to follow us. If you have an idea for an Instagram post, or if your center is doing something cool that we should know about, please email us. We'd love to hear from you!

To access family fun zone or more information: www.musictogether.com (800) 728-2692
Music Together art & logo design copyright ©1992–2022 Music Together LLC. Music Together is a registered trademark.
The Music In Motion is licensed by Music Together LLC.